Index of Events
Between 439 and 430 BC
Menecrates' first (and only) victory at the Lenaea.
- Poet(s):
Menecrates (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*) - Type: tragic victory
- Source(s): Menecrates Test. 3
419 BC
Hera[cleides(?) won the second prize at the Lenaea with the play Theseus.
- Poet(s):
Hera[cleides(?) (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*) - Type: tragic performance, tragic victory
- Source(s): Heracleides Test. 1
418 BC
Callistratus won the second prize at the Lenaea with the plays Amphilochus and Ixion. The protagonist was Callipides.
- Poet(s):
Callistratus (*) - Actor:
Callipides (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*) - Type: tragic performance, tragic victory
- Source(s): Callistratus Test. 1
416 BC
Agathon's victory at the Lenaea.
- Poet(s):
Agathon (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*) - Type: tragic victory
- Source(s): Agathon Test. 1, Agathon Test. 2
Between 416 and 415 BC
Agathon's first participation at the Lenaea or the City Dionysia.
- Poet(s):
Agathon (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*),City Dionysia (*) - Type: tragic performance
- Source(s): Agathon Test. 8
Corresponding event(s): Agathon's victory at the Lenaea
364 BC
Nicomachus I came third at the Lenaea with the plays Amymone and T-.
- Poet(s):
Nicomachus I (*) - Festival:
Lenaea (*) - Type: tragic performance, tragic victory
- Source(s): Nicomachus I Test. 2